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Carpet Installation In Johannesburg​

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Carpet Installation In Johannesburg

You need a carpet installation specialist in Johannesburg that will complete the job quickly, efficiently, and within your budget. A carpet installation project can end up becoming a huge headache if you do not choose an experienced professional who will perform the job exactly to your specifications. At Johannesburg Carpets, we pride ourselves on providing stellar customer service on every project. Browse our catalog and find your perfect match. Then schedule a consultation so we can get started on your new carpet project, you will be floored by what we have to offer!

There are numerous benefits of installing carpet in your home that are routinely overlooked by homeowners. Carpet is a tried and true option in homes all across the United States. While it may not be as trendy as it used to be, it’s still a very viable option for the home. Take a look at these items to decide if carpet is right for your home and get in touch with us to go over a wide variety of options that will look phenomenal.

Noise most likely isn’t the first thing homeowners consider when deciding what kind of flooring they want, but carpet is excellent for absorbing all kinds of noise pollution into your home. This is particularly useful for homes that have a raised foundation or are multiple stories.

Anyone who’s had carpet in their home knows how good they are at retaining warmth, which is extremely helpful during the winter months. Carpets have a low heat conduction and act as an insulator, helping to retain the warm weather when it gets cold outside.

We’re all susceptible to the occasional fall or injury, which often can happen in the home. Having carpet in your home provides a non-slip surface which is a better option for older residents in your home or young children.

We all know dust can be problematic in the home. When you have hardwood floors, dust tends to settle and get kicked back up into the air. The benefit of carpet is that it traps dust and other contaminants in it’s fibers and can be taken care of by vacuuming. Also, because the dust is trapped by carpet fibers, it isn’t being circulated in your home’s HVAC system and allows for better air quality in the home.

Carpet Installation Johannesburg

The Three Types of Carpet Installation.

Glue Down Carpet Installation

There are two main types of glue down carpet installation. Carpet can be directly glued to the floor, or carpet can be glued to a pad that is itself glued to the floor.

Direct glue down carpet installation

Direct glue down installation is the most popular carpet installation in commercial settings. In this type of installation, the carpet is glued directly to the floor. The floor needs to be very smooth. Any imperfections in the floor will telegraph through the carpet and be visible. Imperfections in the floor may also cause wear spots. Advantages of glued down carpet are:

  • The carpet is solidly supported and has minimal movement. It provides a good solid base which is better for rolling traffic, including wheelchairs.
  • Suitable for ramps.
  • Low profile. Stores transitioning from carpet to linoleum will find this to be the lowest profile, safest transition.
  • Minimize buckling in buildings that have climate control turned off for periods of time.
  • Seams do not peak, and are more durable due to lack of flexing.
  • Suitable for large areas.

Disadvantages of glued down carpet are:

  • Lack of pad is less comfortable.
  • Lack of pad means less insulation.
  • Carpet is less durable without pad. Pad acts like a shock absorber and can greatly increase the life of a carpet.
  • When replacement is necessary, removal is more difficult than stretch in installations.

Double glue down carpet installation

Often called double stick installation. This is similar to direct glue down installation, except that we first glue a pad to the floor and then glue the carpet to the pad. The pad for this type of installation can not be any carpet pad, but a densified pad made specifically for this type of installation. Advantages of double glue down installation over direct glue down are:

  • More comfortable.
  • More insulation.
  • The pad will extend the life of the carpet.

Disadvantages are:

  • Higher costs #1. Even more difficult removal than direct glue down when replacement is necessary.
  • Higher costs #2. Double glue pad. Pad costs more than no pad. And the densified double stick pads cost more than ordinary pad.
  • Higher costs #3. We are gluing down the pad, and then gluing down the carpet. It’s like doing the installation twice, which the installer is paid for.

Stretch In Carpet Installation

Stretch in carpet installation is the most popular installation methods in homes. In this installation, strips of wood (called tackless strip) are nailed (or sometimes glued) to the floor around the edges of the room. These strips have hundreds of nails that are angled in towards the wall. Padding is secured to the floor in the middle of the room. The carpet is then attached to the pins around the room. The installer then stretches the carpet tight across the room. Advantages of stretch in carpet installation:

  • A quick, efficient installation method.
  • Pad is more comfortable.
  • Pad is more insulating.
  • The pad extends the life of the carpet.
  • Easier to remove than glued down carpet.
  • The only installation method that allows the installer to effectively work with patterned carpets, especially when the pattern has minor problems such as bow or skew (which they always do).

Disadvantages are:

  • Not suitable for very large spaces due to concerns of buckling or rippling.
  • Not suitable for heavy rolling traffic, or extensive light duty rolling traffic.

Cut To Fit Carpet Installation

A cut-to-fit carpet installation is not a bona-fide installation. An installer will cut the carpet to fit a room exactly, but the carpet is not attached to the floor. The carpet is laid loosely over the floor. A cut-to-fit installation can be laid directly on the floor, or over a pad. If a pad is used, it should be a firm dense pad (like felt) to minimize the possibility of buckles or ripples. There are several reasons someone may choose to have a loose laid carpet including:

  • Landlord will not allow carpet to be installed.
  • Bathrooms, so the carpet can be easily removed for cleaning or drying.
  • Porches that get occasional water, so the carpet can be removed to facilitate speedy drying.

However, cut-to-fit carpet installations (or loose-lay carpet installations) are not guaranteed. Here are several disadvantages associated with loose-laid carpet:

  • Because the carpet is not attached to the floor, it can shift or move.
  • Changes in weather can affect the size of the carpet. Hot humid weather can cause the fabric to expand, causing ripples. Cool, dry weather can cause the fabric to shrink, leaving gaps.
  • Buckles or ripples may develop, which is not the responsibility of the installer.

The reason carpets are glued or stretched in is to avoid these disadvantages.

Carpet Installation Procedures

Improper carpet installation can bedevil facility managers for years. Getting a carpet installation project right is the foundation for long carpet life. But getting carpet installation right means understanding some rules about carpet installation procedures.

Not following proper carpet installation procedures can diminish the facility manager’s credibility, as occupants may have to disrupt work schedules to accommodate repairs.

Don’t Overlook These Carpet Installation Procedures

The floor must be adequately prepared for the new covering. For instance, if old carpet is being taken up, the floor must be scraped clean of any glue. If you’re gluing to old glue, the flooring won’t stay down.

It’s also important to obtain a copy of the manufacturer’s recommended installation guidelines. If these guidelines aren’t followed, the floor covering probably won’t adhere as it should. Getting familiar with the instructions speeds corrections — and makes them less costly.

Check that the installer is planning to follow the recommendations. Many floor-covering manufacturers won’t warranty their product unless it has been properly installed using the recommended adhesive. Also check that the installer is using the right technique and is certified by the mill. Not all carpet is the same. Some products have installation variations

Check the FF, or floor flatness, level. In most cases, there should be no more than a 1/4-inch difference over a 10-foot span, experts say. Bigger variations can cause gaps where water or moisture can collect under the floor covering.

Account for all floor covering materials. While most installers are honest, some have been known to disappear with tiles and other materials. Or they may use the new floor covering to create a walking path. To avoid problems, count the boxes of material that come in and store them in a locked area.

Carpet Installation and Timing

In new construction for example, facility managers may be tempted to compress the schedule, which can lead to installers laying the carpet before the concrete is fully dry. That can cause mold and mildew problems.

Typically, a floor covering should not be installed if the moisture level exceeds three to five pounds per 1,000 square feet over a 24 hour period because moisture can impair the adhesive quality of the glue and encourage mold growth. A simple calcium chloride kit can be used to measure moisture in the air.

Another major problem, flooring contractors say, is that flooring adhesives need two to five days to set before they can be open to traffic. Walking on the floor any sooner could lead to bubbles.

Choosing The Right Carpet Installer

Hiring a cut-rate installer can consume a great deal of a facility manager’s time. For instance, some installers who low-bid a job cut their own costs by skimping on the amount or quality of adhesive. That can lead to facility executives having to babysit the contractor.

Poor installation also can create safety hazards. For instance, if adhesive isn’t properly applied, the floor may buckle and cause people to trip. Or a poor installation may leave a gap in the floor covering, also posing a trip-and-fall hazard.

Asking for references is a basic but critical step, say industry experts. For instance, many carpets today boast bright, lively patterns. Matching them can be difficult but is critical to the floor’s appearance. Unless an installer has experience with other patterned carpets, he or she may have difficulty getting the pattern to line up as it should.


How can the facility manager determine whether the price an installer is quoting is reasonable? Typically, most bids will be within 10 to 15 percent of each other. Installers may swing that much just to get a particular job, experts say. A price that comes in any lower could be a sign that the contractor is using substandard materials or practices.

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